Achievements & Goals
When it opened its doors in 2014, the Foundation raised approx K4million in one night. Sir Theo, through his companies, has continued to support the Foundation with funding each year in excess of K600,000.
With your support the Foundation has:
Secured funding for the Hospital’s CEO role, assisting to enable:
The commencement of new hospital construction projects.
The introduction of greater rigour around hospital IT.
Development and implementation of an in-service nurses training plan.
IT enablement of the hospital’s maternity section.
Implementation of biometric time & attendance tracking.
Project design for power and gas backup in critical areas.
Financed or assisted in financing:
Hospital infrastructure, including car parks and internal road repairs.
Health facilities, including a TB ward and ObGyn long stay care ward.
Hospital positions, including several senior management positions.
The recruitment of nursing staff from overseas to fill manpower gaps that could not be filled from the local PNG workforce.
Played a key role in several initiatives, including:
The provision of accommodation for medical staff.
The importation of a cath lab from Australia, and the installation of that lab.
Following from a review of its activities in the first half of 2021, the Foundation has set three primary goals for July 2021 - June 2023 and finalised its new Strategic Plan. The goals are based on a targeted ‘project’ model for the Foundation as it moves into a new phase for its support activities.
The project goals for July 2021 – June 2023 are:
Goal One
Assisting with the prevention of family & domestic violence and the international fight to counter child exploitation.
Goal Two
The continued funding of initiatives that will result in the betterment of health services in Papua New Guinea.
Goal Three
Building the profile of the Foundation within PNG and internationally.